Safeguarding - adults and children

Everyone has the right to live their lives free from violence, abuse and neglect. Our designated teams and professionals help us ensure that we meet our statutory responsibilities towards safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

As well as carrying out criminal checks, we train, supervise and support all our staff on safeguarding and we report on this each year. Our teams also promote good professional practice, ensure audits are carried out, and make sure that we learn from what we practice.


Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. If you are worried about a child or young person’s safety or welfare, you can speak to someone in children’s social care by calling:

Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
Tel: +44(0)1926 410410

Urgent concerns outside normal working hours contact WCC's Duty children’s team
Tel: +44(0)1926 886922


Any adult at risk of abuse or neglect should be able to access the relevant services, including the civil and criminal justice system and victim support services. Our staff will treat any information passed to them with sensitivity and we suggest speaking to someone by calling:

Safeguarding Adults Team
Tel: +44(0)1926 412080

Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: +44(0)808 2000 247

Hate crime reporting helpline
Tel: +44(0)851 292221

Warwickshire Victim Support
Tel: +44(0)300 3031977

On occasion, patients may need someone to act as an advocate for them if they no longer have mental capacity to make important decisions. If this is required we will contact an Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service.

Modern Slavery Act 2015

In accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, South Warwickshire University Trust (SWFT) annually publishes a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement on the steps it has taken in the previous year to ensure that modern slavery (i.e. slavery and human trafficking), is not taking place in any part of its own business or any of its supply chains.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022

The Trust supports and respects the protection of human rights for all its employees and workers within its supply chain. We believe in treating individuals with respect and dignity, and do not condone the use of our products or services which infringe the basic human rights of others. We expect our suppliers and business partners to adhere to the same high standards and to take all reasonable steps to combat slavery and human trafficking.

The Trust has in place due diligence procurement and tendering processes to ensure all its selected suppliers and any third parties are compliant with the Model Slavery Act (2015).

Accordingly, we are committed to ensure that:

  • We are not complicit in human rights’ abuses of any kind and that slavery or human trafficking are not taking place in our supply chain or any part of the Trust’s business, this includes our social enterprise, SWFT Clinical Services and our joint venture with George Elliot Hospital NHS Trust, Innovate Healthcare Services Ltd.
  • Employment with the Trust and our suppliers is voluntary
  • Our workplace and those of our suppliers are free from discrimination or harassment based on:
    • Race
    • Colour
    • Religion
    • Gender (including pregnancy)
    • Sexual orientation
    • Marital status
    • Gender identity
    • National origin
    • Age
    • Disability
    • Any other characteristic protected by applicable law
  • Our workplaces are safe and healthy
  • Corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, is prohibited
  • Our policies and procedures are devised to reflect we take all reasonable steps to achieve these commitments. This includes, but is not limited to, the following policies:
    • Procurement Policy
    • Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy
    • Recruitment & Selection Policy
    • Conflicts of Interest Guidance
    • Safeguarding Policy

The Board approved its Modern Slavery Statement for publication to ensure slavery is not taking place in any part of its own businss of any of its support chains.

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