The Annual Report, including the Quality Report for South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust, details the Trust's performance and all activities in the financial year.

Annual Report & Accounts for 2022/23 

If you would like any of our previous annual reports and accounts please email:

Constitution of South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust is a legally binding document that details how the Trust is run.

The Trust's Disciplinary Policy sets out our policy in relation to issues of misconduct and the process by which such issues should be managed.

Misconduct is defined as a deliberate act, failure to follow instruction or omission by an employee in breach of Trust policies, procedures, stated expectation or requirement.

Mortality Review Policy sets out how the Trust responds to the deaths of patients who die under our care.

We aim to see and treat patients as quickly as possible. This Patient Access Policy applies to the way in which South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust will manage patients who are waiting for treatment. The focus of the policy is on fair, equal and timely access to treatment for patients, as well as compliance with 18 weeks referral to treatment rules, national cancer waiting targets and Department of Health policies.

Patient Safety Incident Response (PSIR) Policy and Patient Safety Incident Response (PSIR) Plan support the requirements of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and sets out South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents and issues for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.

Statement of Purpose is an overview of the Trust, providing details such as our activities, objectives and strategy, partnerships and values.

In the year 2017-18 a budget of £88,340 was allocated by the Trust to support the secondment of individuals elected by the Staff Representative Committee to undertake facility time.

In addition the Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee meets monthly. Staff side attendance will include those with allocated facility time and other staff released by their managers.

Staff side attendance at Health and Safety Committee, Health and Wellbeing Steering Group, Equality and Diversity Steering Group and Policy Review Group comprises those staff who have funded facility time.

The Medical Staff Committee and Local Negotiating Committee meets bi-monthly.

Unison membership subscriptions are deducted from pay where staff request this. Unison reimburse the Trust £600 per annum for this facility.

Disclosure on Trade Union Facility Time
Relevant union officials

Number of employees who were relevant union officials during 2017/18

Full-time equivalent employee number



Percentage of time spent on facility time

Percentage of time

Number of employees









Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time

The total cost of facility time


The total pay bill


Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time


Paid trade union activities

Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours


Transactions exceeding £25,000