We Listen, We Care - Listening to your feedback to improve your care

Your feedback is really important to us. After a hospital visit you may receive an SMS message from the Trust asking about your experience and if you have comments or suggestions. We would strongly encourage you to complete this short survey to enable us to keep doing the things we are doing well and identify areas where we can improve.

If you would like a paper version of the survey please email pals@swft.nhs.uk.

Your feedback is totally confidential and is collected and processed by Feedback Points, an independent organisation.


Would you like to recognise a member of staff or a team who have gone the extra mile or above and beyond in their work?

Why not nominate them for a GEM Award?

Each quarter the Trust's Recognition Group shortlist the GEM nominations. Please note the group receive a high number of nominations so the more detail you provide in your submission the better chance the member of staff or team you are nominating will be chosen as that quarter's winner.

PALS_logo.pngDo you have questions about your care, or the care of a friend or relative? If so, you can speak to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service who will provide advice, support and information to help you. PALS is a confidential, friendly service for patients, carers, families and friends.

Tel: +44 (0)1926 600054

Email: pals@swft.nhs.uk

In writing:

South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust,
Warwick Hospital,
Lakin Road,
CV34 5BW

In person:

You may visit the PALS Office or request for a PALS Officer to visit you on the ward or in a clinic. To ensure the PALS Officer can dedicate time to you it is helpful to arrange an appointment in advance.

If you are unhappy or worried about any aspect of your care or treatment please inform the ward or department manager or the health professional involved in your care. Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the Chief Executive or the Patient Experience Team.

Tel: +44 (0)1926 495 321 ext 8547

Email: PatientExperience@swft.nhs.uk

In writing:
Patient Experience Team,
South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust,
Warwick Hospital,
Lakin Road, Warwick,
CV34 5BW

SWFT Complaints Procedure Leaflet

Healthwatch Warwickshire is the local champion for people using health and social care services. They are independent and are not part of the NHS or care services.


  • Answer questions about local NHS and care services.
  • Refer patients to advocacy organisations, for support when making a complaint.
  • Gather feedback about what people think about NHS and care services to help influence the planning and delivery of services.

Contact Healthwatch Warwickshire:
