Apex Recruitment SCBU Presenation.jpg

3 peaks challenge raises £3000

A Warwick-based recruitment company has raised money for the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) at Warwick Hospital.

Apex Recruitment completed the Three Peaks Challenge in June and raised over £3000 for SCBU. They started raising money by doing a monthly dress-down day and a bake-off challenge which helped them to raise over £120. They then went and raised a staggering £3000 by taking part in the difficult challenge which takes in the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales.

Helen Alvis, HR Manager at Apex, said: “It’s a charity close to my heart as my little girl spent 2 days there last year when she was born and they were absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t think of a better local charity”.

Seven members of the company took part in challenge, nearly all of their children were born at Warwick Hospital which made them even more determined to raise the money. The team were delighted to have raised over £3000 after they initially set their fundraising target at £700.

Upon receiving the donation Esther Boyle, SCBU Ward Manager at South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I want to thank everyone at Apex for this generous donation, all of the SCBU staff are really grateful for all of the donations we receive because they help us to create more of a family friendly environment and enhance the care we can provide”.

The funds will go towards enhancements to the special care baby unit and making the environment more comfortable for patients and their new born babies.

To donate to Apex Recruitment’s Just Giving page, go to https://www.justgiving.com/companyteams/ApexWanderers

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