
Infection prevention is key as winter arrives in Warwickshire

In light of the recent closure of Warwick Hospital’s Victoria Ward, which in this instance the Ward tested norovirus negative; we thought that we would share some infection prevention best practises to avoid the spread of germs.

As we enter into the winter months there is more likelihood of germs spreading and causing infection, especially in the communities most vulnerable like the elderly, sick people and children.

It is important to remember that norovirus spreads rapidly as a result of contact between individuals. If you have been in contact with, or have had, diarrhoea and vomiting within the last 48 hours, you will be infectious and you should stay away from the hospital. If you are suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting, stay at home and drink plenty of fluids.

If you have had any diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms and to take note of the following advice:

  • Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water is the best way to protect against norovirus, but if you’re in an NHS facility you should also use the hand gels provided in addition to hand washing to protect yourself and others against other infections
  • Ensure that toilet areas in your home are kept clean, particularly if you have been experiencing symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting.
  • Wash any clothing or linen that could be contaminated with norovirus.
  • Disinfect any hard surfaces that could be contaminated, especially areas where you have been ill
  • Stay away from hospitals, work, school or social gatherings until you have been free of symptoms for at least 48 hours.
  • Norovirus is very common at this time of year and outbreaks of the virus are being reported around the country. For most people it is no worse than a short bout of diarrhoea and vomiting that should clear up within 24-72 hours. However, for the more vulnerable, it can have a more significant effect.

    In the instances where there is a suspected outbreak of the virus on one of our wards, we do a number of things to contain it including:

    • Restricting visiting
    • Stopping patient/staff moves from affected areas, unless on clinical grounds
    • Isolating/co-horting affected patients
    • Additional cleaning

    The Trust will update its website on a daily basis throughout the winter to keep patients and families informed of any ward closures, visit: for more information.

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