Acquired brain injuries
Affected by Bowel Cancer (ABC Club)
Asthma Service (Children)
Audiology (hearing) for adults
Audiology (hearing) for children
Bereavement service
Birth-to-three portage (pre-school educational support)
Blood tests (Phlebotomy)
Breast Care
Coventry Infant Feeding Team
Cancer services
Cardiology and Cardiac Investigation Unit
Cellular pathology, Coventry & Warwickshire Pathology Services (CWPS)
Clinical health psychology
Community children's nursing team
Community Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation Team
Community Paediatrics
Community Recovery Service (CRS)
Continence service
Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Service (0-19 years)
Dermatology (skin)
Diabetes and endocrinology
Dietetics (Adult)
Dietetics (Children)
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Emergency Department
Eye services (Machen Eye Unit and Stratford Eye Unit)
Frailty Assessment Area (FAA)
Heart failure nurse service
Hospital step down services
Hospital sterilisation and decontamination unit (HSDU)
Integrated health teams
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Dementia Care and Support
Long COVID Service
Looked after children
Maternity and Neonatal Services
Medical examiners
​Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)
Occupational Therapy (Adult)
Occupational Therapy (Children)
Occupational Therapy - Warwickshire Independent Traded Service (WITS)
Oral and Facial Department
Organ donation and transplantation
Out of Hospital Care Collaborative
Pain services
Palliative Care
Parkinson's disease nurse specialist (PDNS) service
Patient Portal - MyCare in Warwickshire
The Pathology Laboratory Services
Pharmacy Inpatient Services
Physiotherapy (Adult)
Physiotherapy (Children)
Podiatry (foot disorders)
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Registration Authority and Smartcards
Respiratory medicine
Sexual health and wellbeing services
Solihull 0-19 Service
South Warwickshire Accelerated Transfer Team (SWATT)
South Warwickshire Integrated MSK Service (SWIMS)
Speech and language therapy (adults)
Speech and language therapy (children)
Stoma and internal pouch care service
Street Outreach Team
Stroke service
The Grafton Suite
Warwickshire 0-5 Services
Warwickshire Preschool Autism Service
Wheelchair service
Wound care (Tissue viability team)
Created by Frank Ltd.